Therapeutic Advancements for the Treatment of High-Risk MDS: Future Opportunities to Improve Patient Survival and Quality of Life
This self-directed education with leading oncology experts provides you with answers you need about recent changes in MDS classification, risk assessment, and the potential impact of emerging therapies on management of high-risk MDS.

Therapeutic Advancements for the Treatment of High-Risk MDS: Future Opportunities to Improve Patient Survival and Quality of Life
Digital FAQStay up to date on the evolving risk classification for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and current treatment guidelines for patients with high-risk disease in this self-directed education with leading oncology experts. Expert commentary from Courtney DiNardo, MD from MD Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Dan Pollyea from the University of Colorado School of Medicine provides insights on emerging therapies that could soon improve management of high-risk MDS. Be ready to incorporate these emerging therapies into your treatment plans to best meet the needs of your patients and get the answers you need about MDS classification and risk assessment.
Faculty: Courtney DiNardo, MD, MSCE and Daniel Pollyea, MD, MS
Release Date:
Expiration Date: October 27, 2024
CME/CE is no longer available for this activity