14th Annual Linda Morgante MS Nurse Leadership Program

Highlights from the 14th Annual Linda Morgante MS Nurse Leadership Program
Conference Highlights
Nurses play a vital role in helping patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) live their best possible lives. This on-demand course features highlights from the 14th Annual Linda Morgante MS Nurse Leadership Program. Whether you are new to the field of MS or have years of experience, this program helps nurses explore their evolving role in helping patients navigate this unpredictable disease. Using real life patient testimonials, faculty will guide learners through nurse-led strategies for monitoring and managing symptoms, evaluating medication changes, managing physical limitations, and addressing the disease’s psychosocial implications.
Faculty: Colleen Harris, MN, NP; Amy Perrin Ross, MSN, APN; Aliza Ben-Zacharia, PhD, DNP, ANP-BC, FAAN; Michelle Keating, RN, MSCN; Beverly Layton, RN, BSN; Lynn McEwan, MScN; Marie Namey APRN, MSCN-e; Patricia Pagnotta, APRN
Release Date:
Expiration Date: November 30, 2024
CME/CE is no longer available for this activity