Establishing Frameworks for Precision Medicine in NTRK Fusion-Positive Advanced Solid Tumors
Establishing Frameworks for Precision Medicine in NTRK Fusion-Positive Advanced Solid Tumors

Common Nonspecific Symptoms at Presentation: Can You Diagnose This Patient?
Case-based EducationWhen your patient presents with nonspecific symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness, could it be an indication of a more serious disease? Put your skills to the test! In just 15 minutes, navigate through real-world cases to see if you can correctly diagnose each patient. Diagnostic conclusions are revealed after reviewing all cases. Hear faculty insights on the implications of learner decisions along with rationales for appropriate next steps to aid in making a final diagnosis, as well as evidence-based treatment strategies. Apply the latest scientific evidence into evolving treatment plans and improve the management of your patients today!
Faculty: Elaine Hylek, MD, MPH
Release Date:
Expiration Date: June 14, 2025