Answering the Call: Nurse-Led Strategies to Improve Compliance with Hemophilia Prophylaxis
Answering the Call: Nurse-Led Strategies to Improve Compliance with Hemophilia Prophylaxis
Clinical CommentaryProphylactic management of hemophilia continues to be a challenge. This nurse-led activity discusses treatment strategies, safety and efficacy of current available products, and how to improve patient adherence. In this clinical commentary, expert faculty, Kerry H. Hansen, RN, BS and Skye Peltier, MPH, PA-C review best practices to facilitate successful therapeutic interventions with hemophilia A prophylaxis.
Faculty: Kerry H. Hansen, RN, BS; Skye Peltier, MPH, PA-C
Release Date:
Expiration Date: December 27, 2022
CME/CE is no longer available for this activity